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The Best Things to do in Mexico City: My Top 5 Must-Do Activities

Mexico City is one of my favorite cities in the world, and one of the reasons is because there is just SO much to do there! So it was really hard to narrow it down, but if you only had a few days to explore the city, these are the top 5 things you can’t miss (aside from eating ALL THE FOOD).

The Angel of Independence in Mexico City with skyscrapers in the background

1. Tour the Centro Historico

Here you can see the famous Zocalo square, Catedral Metropolitan, Templo Mayor, Palacio Postal, and Fine Arts Palace, just to name a few.

The Mexican flag flying over the Zocalo in Mexico City with the Catedral Metropolitana in the background

2. See a Lucha Libre show

Lucha Libre is such a fun way to experience Mexican culture and entertainment. Order a massive cerveza, learn some “colorful” phrases to shout at the wrestlers, and watch as they try to unmask fellow wrestlers.

Colorful luchador masks hanging in a store

3. Visit Chapultepec Castle / Bosque de Chapultepec

Chapultepec Park in itself is a must, but the castle is the main attraction. Tour the castle grounds and gardens, visit the museum located inside, and see a stunning view of both the park and city from atop the hill.

Chapultepec Castle gardens with fountain in foreground (Mexico City)

4. Ride a trajinera at Xochimilco

The Xochimilco canals are what is left of the ancient canals of Tenochtitlán. Now it’s a festive and colorful gathering place for families and tourists alike, and an absolute party.

Colorful trajinera boats in the canals at Xochimilco in Mexico City

5. Visit the Teotihuacan Pyramids

These are about 45 minutes outside the city, and one of the most significant places in Mexico City’s history. You can tour the archeological site, ride ATVs, visit nearby caves, and even do a sunrise hot air balloon ride.

Hot air balloons flying over the pyramids in the ancient city of Tenochtitlan outside of Mexico City

Which ones will you be adding to your Mexico City itinerary?


Want to see more of Mexico City? Watch on YouTube:

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